Special Offer for Food Science
Graduates and Graduate Students!

For a limited time, new graduates of Food Science Bachelor’s degree programs or current Food Science graduate students may take the CFS exam without prior work experience.

  • Free! Sit for IFT’s CFS exam Free of charge.
    (List price is $550 for members, $750 for non-members)
  • Qualification: This opportunity is only open to new graduates of Food Science Bachelor’s degree programs or to Food Science graduate students, regardless of what undergraduate degree they have.
  • The CFS exam is offered online to maximize convenience and flexibility.
  • Participating universities will receive aggregated, anonymized data on their students’ results.
  • Participants who pass the exam will receive full rights and recognition of the Certified Food Scientist credential.


Complete the form!

The CFS Pilot Program is a free opportunity. Please, complete the following form and an IFT staff person will contact you to make sure you qualify.